My challenge to you this Christmas season is to go beyond what is comfortable. Stir up someone's heart with Jesus. Let someone know how much you love Jesus and them. Let them know what CHRISTmas really is about.
I just read the Christmas Story, prayed and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus at the same family get together. This may be not out of the ordinary to some of you, however, this specific family gathering, since I can remember, has only said a quick prayer ....That's it! NO talk of Jesus, let alone the reason we are all gathering. It always seemed to be about the gifts.
Let me tell you, I was shaking while reading the story...which, btw, was out of a children's coloring book (that had ages 2-4y on it). I know that I was uncomfortable that night, but I hope someone else was too. I hope the holy spirit touched someone who would not have had that chance before.
So, show love like Christ shows his love for us. Welcome someone into God's life so he can touch and save theirs!
Hope this wasn't too deep and I am not going to apologize because it is on my heart and mind. I hope you all have a blessed Christmas. May you remember that God is GOOD and he is in control.
So when you feel out of control; trying to bake cookies, get kids bathed, take down trees, put out gifts at 1:00 am on Christmas morning...take a breath, say a prayer and realize GOD IS IN CONTROL! AND HE LOVES YOU!!
Merry Christmas Ladies!!