Wednesday, March 21, 2012

MOPS Reminder

ToMMoRoW...Thursday, March 22.

MOPS begins at 9:30 (check-in for MOPPETS begins at 9:15)

I will be sharing my testimony about how I have grown to realize my true value is in Christ NOT in what the world offers!!

See you tomorrow!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Good morning, mamas and happy Monday!

What a beautiful morning. The sun is peeking through and the snow is melting!  So ready for spring!!  This Thursday, March 8, is our net MOPS meeting! 

 This week we will hear from the mentor moms about their experiences and how to be the best mom, wife and friend...during this non-stop time in our lives.  I know I don't always feel like I am up to where God wants me to be in any area, but I am trying to  improve on them all and I can't wait to hear insight from these experienced ad God loving women.  

MOPPETS check-in starts at 9:15.  Meeting starts at 9:30

Food provided by Mad Gab, Jenga and Life.


This morning, the Monday Morning Fix from 9-11 at Jennifer A's house.  Just bring yourself, your kids and a dish to pass!

Think about the Spring Rummage Sale is April 19 &20.  Please let Jennifer or Dottie if interested!

Have a great week!  See you Thursday!